Capel Partners Limited (CPL) is an independent corporate advisory boutique and management consultancy advising clients in matters relating to sell-side and buy-side M&A in the UK marketing, insight and media sectors. We advise our clients at every stage of the process, from identifying the best exit strategy, sourcing an acquirer from our exhaustive list of domestic and international buy-side contact companies, agreeing the enterprise value and negotiating the terms of sale, through the legal stages, to completion.
For buy-side clients we can help identify acquisition targets as well as advising on and sourcing funding opportunities, should these be needed, from debt financing, EIS funding, to VCTs and Private Equity.
If you are looking to sell to a larger company, merge with a similar-sized company, facilitate an MBO, set up an employee trust or identify your next infill acquisition then let CPL become your deal partner
We have over 60 years’ combined experience of the UK insight, data & media sectors. We understand how Owner Managers feel about selling their business and will be with you every step of the journey. And It's not purely about the money, its about the people and reducing integration risk. The human capital side is key.
We spend time with your management team to fully understand their M&A goals and aspirations and to create 'deal consensus'.
We work with our client to achieve full disclosure on the business - its operating model and systems, financials, reporting, IT platforms and tech
Drafting the Information Memorandum & Prospectus and associated collateral including the 3-year business plan
Contacting the relevant buyer-sphere from our in-house database of insight companies, mar-tech' companies, Private Equity LLPs and trade buyers to secure exclusivity
Secure legal representation for the Head of Terms and Sale Purchase Agreement and ensure all legals are completed
Work with you until completion with the option of consulting post-exit to ensure a smooth business and cultural integration
See below examples of White Papers and think papers relating to the UK market research & insight sector